1、E63034: LDAP user does not exist or password error, will be blacklisted

Login to the account password prompt E63034 on the authentication page: If the LDAP user does not exist or the password is incorrect, will be added to the blacklist. This is due to incorrect password input or account expiration. Please check if the account password is correct and if the account is within its validity period. If you try the password too many times, it will be temporarily blacklisted by the system. Please try again in ten minutes or contact the system administrator to change the password.

2. E63036: The username does not exist on the LDAP server

On the authentication page, the login account password prompt E63036: The username does not exist on the LDAP server. This is because the account has expired and expired. Please check if the account is within its validity period or contact the system administrator to check the account status.

3. E63018: The user does not exist or has not applied for the service

Login account password prompt E63018 on the authentication page: "The user does not exist or did not apply for the service, due to an account error or the system did not create the user. Please check if the account is correct or contact the system administrator.

4. E63635: The number of online users in the current scenario has reached the limit

Login account password prompt E63635 on the authentication page: In the current scenario, the number of online devices has reached the limit due to the maximum number of simultaneous online accounts reaching 4. Please try logging in after offline other devices on the self-service platform.

(1) Open browser input on any device that can connect to UIC WiFi http://w.uic.edu.cn:8080 Enter the user self-service platform. If it is a mobile device, you need to click on the PC version in the bottom left corner to log in, and enter the account name and password used in UIC-WIFI.

(2) After entering the correct account and logging into the self-service platform, the user can click on the self-service business hall, the online user list, find the terminal that needs to be deleted, and click on force offline or clear online information.

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